What we do

Our reason to be

There’s a donor in everyone. The willingness to donate is even greater than ever, although we don’t always know how to approach it effectively. At the same time the number of charities and social enterprises is growing. And it’s only possible to do great work with the right funds. WILL forms the bridge between donors and doers.

Our mission and vision

WILL brings social profit enterprises more income via gifts in wills and donations. This allows organisations to diversify their income and gather more revenue.

We strive for a world in which organisations can focus even better on their mission and vision.

Our core values


Legacy fundraising is atypical: instant success isn’t possible. You have to be convinced of what you are doing and do it with all your heart. And the better you do this, the better the world you leave behind.


Our team covers all aspects of fundraising communication: from strategy, copywriting & design right through to implementation and evaluation. We are also linked to Belgium’s market leader in fundraising.


We always put the values of the organisation we work for first. While absolutely making sure the donor who wishes to leave his/her legacy are respected.


Everyone in the organisation must work towards the same goal. Continuous consultation and trust are both fundamental. Only then can we develop a successful long-term vision concerning gifts in wills.

Our partners

About us


Melissa Legacy fundraising expert

But also: a vegetarian, non-native Brusseleir with a listening ear and almost always in a good mood.


Luk Legacy fundraising expert

But also: quiz fanatic, roots in the West, but resident in Antwerp, child of the ‘80s, father and someone who listens to Bowie and his wife.